OMG, I felt so STUPID!
If you know me, I’m usually the one with all the answers, but in yesterday’s mastermind group, I felt like I had no answers.
I’m not used to that, and so many things went through my mind:
– I need to get out of here!
– This group isn’t for me.
– I’m not ready.
– I’m not good/intelligent/confident enough.
I had that tight, nauseous, all-over bad feeling that, luckily, doesn’t hit me too often, but when it does… UGG!
But, deep down, I know I am ready. I am good enough. I am smart enough.
I am confident enough. I wouldn’t have achieved everything in my life so far if I didn’t have confidence and self-belief.
Most days, I do things that, in the past, I thought I could never do! For a living, I coach others to do things they never thought they could do!
But this situation was different. Throughout my life, I’ve had to find most of the answers independently, and I’m not used to asking for or accepting help. For that reason, mastermind groups are challenging for me, but I need to be around people with similar goals and experiences that I can learn from.
So, I am at a crossroads. What path do I take?
- Should I stay where I am, alone on my “plateau?”
- Do I take a left or right, an alternate route that may get me forward but a little more slowly?
- Do I turn back and spend more time on what’s needed to proceed?
- Do I summon the grit I need to open up and move forward from this point?
Each option is valid, but I must decide which path suits me and my goals for my life.
Which path do you think I’ll take?
Do I play it safe and only connect with others I feel are “safe,” or do I level up and learn to play with fire?!
I’ve come too far to slow down now. Bring on the fire!
I am determined to reach my goals and prepared to do what it takes to move forward. I’m back in the mastermind group and looking to connect with others who will push and inspire me to move forward.
AND I’ve created a platform to bring together women like me looking to connect, learn, share, and grow.
Do you want to play with fire?!
Will you join me moving forward?
Raising Your Voice is a platform for women to develop (and use!) the communication skills needed to take their career and life to the Next Level!
Time to Take Action!
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🎤 Check your Inbox for your Welcome Email with the private Facebook Group link.
🎤 Reply to the email and tell me, “I want to play with fire!”
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